Application of MOONS' Motion Control Products in the AGV Industry
With the development of factory automation, computer-integrated manufacturing systems, and the widespread adoption of flexible manufacturing systems and automated warehouses, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) have seen rapid growth in both application scope and technological sophistication. As a critical tool for automated material handling, AGV play a pivotal role in connecting and coordinating discrete logistics management systems to ensure seamless operations. Furthermore, they substantially improve production efficiency and enhance the flexibility of logistics management.
As a pioneer in system-level motion control, MOONS' consistently leverages advanced motion control technologies and processes to help customers execute material transport tasks with greater efficiency, precision, and flexibility. MOONS' AGV control system solutions are designed to meet the requirements of flexible logistics handling systems and automated warehouses, while seamlessly adapting to diverse and complex production environments. These solutions deliver highly reliable and intelligent logistics handling services tailored to evolving operational needs. AGV Basic Structure
The fundamental hardware structure of an AGV comprises several key components, including the vehicle body, battery and charging devices, drive mechanisms (responsible for movement, steering, and brake control), guidance systems, information transmission and processing units, safety protection mechanisms, and transfer devices (such as lifting mechanisms, robotic arms, rollers, and conveyor belts).
Application of MOONS' Motion Control Products in the AGV Industry